3637 Hwy 237
Round Top, TX 78954
3637 Hwy 237
Round Top, TX 78954 Phone: 281-961-5092
Contact: Diane
Open Daily
9 am - 6 pm Jan 20 -Jan 23 March 25 - April 3
3637 S State Highway 237 Warrenton
Roundtop, Texas 78954
Cole's Antiques Show are veterans of the antique business. Their years of successfully producing shows has culminated in this 63,000+ sq. foot shopping mecca. It has evolved into the largest concentration of antique and vintage items under one roof in Warrenton, Texas!
They are proud of the fact that "everything is either antique or vintage, nothing new." The vendors, many of who have returned to Coles year after year, appreciate the comfortable shopping experience this show provides.......and you will too.
Their over 200 vendors offer the gamut from gold and silver, fine antiques and primitives, sports items, jewelry, textiles, toys, fine art and collectibles. All this, FREE PARKING and ADMISSION and AIR CONDITIONING too.
Clean Restrooms Outside Tent Space Limited RV Facilities |